Monday, August 25, 2008

Fly your RC Helicopter tips

Before You Fly your RC Helicopter

1. Always check / tighten all important screws before you fly rc helicopters.

2. Make sure you have the correct flight mode selected before you fly. If you use a simulator or have different 'birds' this is especially important.

3. If your radio has lots of switches, set it so that when you start all your switches are pointing the same direction.

4. Check your radio's range.

5. Make a checklist and stick to it.

6. Always ensure that your linkages are secure. Sometimes, when making adjustments, one end will unscrew more than the other and is just hanging on by a thread. If it slips off during flight, it could be a very expensive and dangerous lesson. Check them quickly before you spool up.

7. Make sure your receiver and transmitter batteries are fully charged. A dead battery can really wreck havoc in the air.

8. Whenever you start your rc helicopter, whether it's a nitro, gasser or electric, always hold the blade grips tightly. If your throttles not all the way down, or there's a glitch, your heli can spin out of control and cause serious damage.

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