Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The GWS MC-2002 charger
The GWS MC-2002 charger is controlled by microprocessor with Delta automatic detection peak for Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries. Range input voltage: DC 9.0 ~ 15.0 V Current load: 0.25 ~ 6.00A continues types of batteries: 50 ~ mAh 3000 mAh Ni-Cd or Ni-MH Cells: 4 ~ 12 cells Protection: Results reverse polarity and the short time load: 90 minutes with safety cutoff Lecture: large-scale current Meter Cooling: sturdy case with the Heavy Duty Heat Sink.From high-quality, easy to use and very affordable at around $ 45, you really can not go wrong!
When you're ready to lithium in your models, you'll need to buy a battery charger RC dedicated to lithium batteries because the technology is very different from NiMH and NiCd batteries.
And please do not make the mistake of trying to load your lithiums with a standard charger because there is the very real danger of an explosion and fire!
What I think is one of the best values in the battery charger RC area is now the ProPeak Prodigy II.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Electric RC helicopters

In recent years, electric rc helicopters have seriously fallen in price, become widely available and have become much easier to fly through greater stability, making them the ultimate "must have" control model radio.
As a result, they now constitute the fastest growing sector of the radio control hobbies flight, and models displayed on this page are fairly typical examples helicopters that were responsible for this huge explosion.
One type of electric rc helicopter which was so popular with newcomers is the fixed-pitch (FP) 4 channel model, as the Walkera Dragonfly 4, shown below. There are several of these helicopters available from different manufacturers, all based on the same basic design (the Venom Night Ranger and EF Sabre, for example).
Sold ready to fly (RTF), the PC 4 channels electric rc helicopters are ideal for beginners. They are still a challenge to begin with, but are a good, affordable introduction to multi-channel model helicopter flight.
Also, spare parts for this type of helicopter are widely available and cheap. Indeed, much of the helicopter learning curve is the purchase of spare parts, after those who are not less good landings!
The Walkera Dragonfly 4 has been and continues to be a very popular seller. I myself one, and you can read about this in more detail if these pages.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
RC Crawler
RC crawlers, they can be scale vehicles with incredible details, semi-scale trucks with competition performance in a scale-appearance package, and all out competition rigs that may look gnarly, but seem able to crawl nearly upside down.
If youre a slash and burn kind of driver, you may have trouble with a remote control rock crawler, where driving finesse ranks high and speed is measured in fractions. To get a good start in this addictive RC action, you can purchase a RTR 4x4 RC truck from any hobby store, retailer or internet source advertising them.
If you wonder what the difference is between the monster-truck-4x4 youve brought home, and an RC crawler, the answer is fairly straightforward. RC rock crawlers:
Have full-time 4 wheel drive
Have locked differentials
Have a stretched wheelbase, usually 12-12.5 inches
Have large tires with foam inserts, often trimmed to rock-gripping shapes
Have a very low center of gravity (CG)
If you want to dive straight into building your own remote control rock crawler, there are excellent kits available, such as the Axial AX10 Scorpion rock crawler kit. These kits give a newcomer a head start and lets you get out and crawling after just a few hours of building. Kits normally include:
Care Your Health problem
The authors of this new study did not specifically look at the health consequences of their lack of insurance or the lack of access to proper medical care, but it is reasonable to assume that these two factors could lead to many medical complications. Dr. Andrew Wilput, an instructor in medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle and a fellow at Harvard Medical School while the study was being conducted, said,This is something that is very true in my clinical experience. The uninsured can't get in to see the doctor, they miss medications, their blood pressure is out of control and, really, you see devastating consequences."
Another expert agreed that the lack of insurance along with someone who has a chronic illness could be a combination that is potentially lethal. Dr. Oliver Fein, the president-elect of Physicians for a National Health Program and a professor of clinical medicine and public health at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University in New York City, said, "These people are going to end up with complications of their illnesses prematurely. They will be disabled early. They will probably die younger. It is a major public health disaster....Longer-term, there will be expensive admissions to hospitals, usually through the emergency department, due to diabetes out of control and congestive heart failure because of hypertension."
The number of Americans that do not have insurance is approximately 47 million in 2006, which is up from 31 million in the year 1987 is plentiful information. However, what has been less clear in the study is how many individuals suffer from a chronic illness, although some, including the policymakers, have suggest that many of the people are healthy.
The data came from interviews with almost 12,500 people that were between the ages of 18 and 64 who had participated in the National Health and Nutritional Survey. From this information, the authors concluded that approximately 11.4 million of the working-age Americans with at least one out of seven chronic medical conditions did not have any health insurance.
These people included 15.5 percent out of the 38.2 million with hypertension, 7.8 million with cardiovascular disease, 16.6 million out of the 8.5 million with diabetes. Some other conditions that were examined include high cholesterol, previous diagnosis of cancer, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Wilper said that they found some pretty big differences when they compared uninsured people with on of these seven conditions with people who were insured with one of the conditions. Approximately 26 percent of the people who did not have insurance reported no standard site of care, versus the 6.2 percent of the people who did have insurance. More than 22 percent of the people who were uninsured reported that they had not been to see a physician within the last year and 7.1 of those uninsured with a chronic illness report that the emergency room was their main site for medical care. The 6.2 percent of the people with insurance did report that they had seen a physician within the last year and only 1.1 percent of those went to the emergency room for medical care.
Wilper stated that the conditions listed are ones that they can take care of in a clinic. Physicians know that they can prevent complications that are disabling or catastrophic if they are able to manage the conditions. Greg Scandlen, the founder and the director of Consumers for Health Care Choices, an advocacy group for health-care consumers that is non-profit, said that none of the findings are surprising. It is interesting that we are finding that chronic conditions are shown to be more common among the people with insurance than ones without, although, that is not surprising either. The people that suffer from a chronic condition are more likely to place a higher value on their insurance coverage and they will work harder to get it and keep it. Scandlen added, "But having insurance is not likely to prove to be a panacea for these folks....People with chronic conditions who are insured are not doing so well, either. We do not do a very good job of delivering chronic care in this country for anyone."
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
micro electric remote controlled helicopter
A micro electric remote controlled helicopter is a fully 3D-capable machine in all respects and although they are not easy to fly due to being susceptible to winds with their light weight, they can achieve flying characteristics of the larger scale rc model helicopters. Some of the more expensive micros share the same flight characteristics as the larger units such as cyclic, pitch, rudder and motor speed and thus can fly inverted, do loops, stall turns, auto-rotations, etc.
Perfect for both beginners and for owners of the larger scale helis, a micro remote controlled helicopter can certainly fill the bill. If you've ever owned a larger scale RC helicopter, you will definitly enjoy the fact that you can finally fly your model regardless of weather conditions, day or night in the comfort of your own home.
Just go to the backyard or to your two car garage, slide in a fresh battery pack and go at it. Your guests will be very impressed. Micro helis can be made to fit in a small case with the transmitter, charger and all the necessary gear which makes them ideal for carrying around to a friend's house or to a local park.
To sum it all up, a micro electric remote controlled helicopter is great for beginners for the following reasons:
* It's lightweight so the damage in a crash is minimal compared to larger RC Helis
* You will be able to practice all the time in your backyard or garage
* The cost of replacement parts are fairly cheap compared to larger scale RC model helicopters
* They are less dangerous since the rotor blades are light (Still need to keep a good distance)
* Installation and configuration is less complex with the Fixed Pitch helicopter remote setups
RC snowmobile for winter fun!
There are a variety of different electric remote control snowmobiles that are on the market, many scaled from the real thing. Take for
example the Ski-Doo Fusion 900, which is the mini model, of the real thing. Many of these electric models are very realistic looking
with attention to detail.
They come with a 9.6V battery pack or 7.2V battery pack. Although the electric models are a lot of fun, performance is minimal and so is
the excitement level. They are an excellent starter RC snowmobile but if you really want a rush youll want to invest in a nitro powered
If you invest in a nitro model get ready to enjoy an aggressively designed snowmobile thats ready to race through the backcountry, or
race against your friends. Because of the speed associated with the nitro units its not the best starter option.
You should spend some time at slower speeds learning how your snowmobile responds to the remote controls. That way youll save yourself a
lot of downtime doing repairs. Actually if you crack up at high speeds you could destroy your snowmobile and your winter fun.
The nitro remote control snowmobile are more geared towards adult modeler or a very mature teen modeler. The sound effects of the nitro
make it very real, and there is no question that their high performance makes them a great choice for that higher level of excitement.
So you see, winter doesnt have to be boring and you dont have to spend your days wishing spring would arrive. Instead, grab your boots
and mittens, get off the coach, and get outside to enjoy your RC snowmobile, packed with hours of entertainment and get ready for an
adrenalin rush! Youll forget all about those winter blues.
remote control fire truck
A premium truck can bring as much realism as possible to the look and functions of each unit. You will find RC fire trucks with flashing emergency lights, working sirens, rotating ladders, and precisely replicated fire fighting accessories. You can even buy a remote control fire truck that includes functioning water hoses that shoot water over 15 feet by radio control. Fire trucks may also have independent spring suspension systems. These larger units are usually around 20-22 inches long, run 7-10mph and have a transmitter range of 300 feet.
If you are looking for a less traditional remote control fire truck that can respond to fires in any terrain, then you need to turn your attention to the RC Hummer. This type of RC vehicle leaves no question about where you can take it through the backyard, across the beach, or down a dirt path the short wheel base and higher suspension make it perfect for overland emergency responses. Hummer fire trucks are usually just over a foot long, have good attention given to accessory details, have a transmitter range of 100 meters, and can tear down the road at 12mph.
A remote control fire truck often comes ready to roll, with wireless radio control transmitter, a 9.6v or 7.2v battery pack, antenna, and battery pack charger. These RC units run on rubber tires, have forward, reverse, left, and right directionals, and have an average runtime of 10-15 minutes. Most hobby and RC retailers will have one or more RC fire trucks in stock, but if not, check out the web for pictures, prices and exact specs.
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How to start an office cleaning business
Cleaning office spaces after hours is a business that can be started from home or a person can buy an existing company Almost any company with an office can use the service as this is a neglected area for most businesses that do not have the service.
Cleaning windows, dusting, emptying trashcans and running the vacuum cleaner is not a very profitable use of office staff. Some owners of a business do it themselves to save money. Others just let it go until it just becomes a severe necessity. If the office is used to hold meetings with customers, the service may well be needed to keep the office in a presentable condition. The restrooms are another area that needs to be cleaned with some frequency. What type of company a customer hires depends on the business and the concern for security. A company that has many secret documents may need to hire a cleaning company that has a well-vetted staff. A business office, which can be secured for the basic security, can hire a person or two who work from their home. A business with many secret negotiations and using sensitive material may need to use a very secure service for their office cleaning. There are companies that can do both or just one or the other.
How to break into the business
One way to learn the business is to work in it for a time to learn the ropes. The learning curve is not very long or steep. Doing the job that is expected is the most important aspect to this business. The customer hires the company based on what is promised and it better be delivered or that company will be replaced by another who will keep their commitments. Hiring personnel with a good work ethic and unquestioned honesty is a requirement that must be kept at all times.
A family could start this type of business and run it from their home while they built the business up over time. The equipment needed is not out of range in cost and can be purchased easily by someone looking to get into the business.
Careful attention to detail is important, as a dusty lamp could easily be spotted. Desk side waste containers that are not emptied would be another area of obvious notice that the cleaning job was done in a haphazard manner. A restroom that is not left as a thoroughly cleaned space would stand out like a sore eye. The way to keep customers and get referrals is to do the job better than expected. This starts with the owner of the cleaning business and is part of the work ethic of the helpers who do the work.
Spot-checking by the owner or supervisor is critical to keeping the work up to the standards promised. Promises made to the customer must be kept all of the time. If weather or an unexpected emergency prevents the work one night or weekend, the customer must be told why and when it will be completed. Communication with the customer is always important in a service business.
Finding a business and the money
Business brokers will be able to help you find businesses in this market that are for sale. The cost of buying a business or franchise is related to the customer base, the reputation of the business and the profitability. Starting one depends on how quickly you want to grow and the number of customers you can sign up to use your service. In either case you will need some money to run and own the business. The business will dictate how much is needed. Once you find a business for sale, the negotiations will be critical if you need the help of the current owner in order to make the purchase. If this is the case, the price will probably be higher to buy the business. Other sources for coming up with the money are relatives and friends, the bank and business lending. Each source has its own problems and pluses. The real meat of the matter is how much extra you will need to make the deal.
Several concerns with this business are apparent. Can another owner assume the customers under contract? How much longer are the contracts in force? Is there a continuation clause in the contract that controls the fees that are charged to do the work? Is there a sales person that is responsible for getting new clients or was that what the old owner did for the company? This is important if the new owner is not a sales type of person. Someone has to speak for the company and make the company grow with new clients.
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Collective Pitch Works About RC Helicopter
Every RC Helicopter that can change the pitch of its blades has a swashplate.
The swashplate consists of two disks, one which spins and one that does not.
The bottom swashplate does not spin, and is connected to the servo control rods.
The swashplate consists of two disks, one which moves and one that does not.
To rise or descend, the rotor blades move collectively
Pitch and bank require the swashplate to move cyclically.
Pitch links control the position of each blade.
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Franklin and his research team polled women and men between the ages of 25 to 54 along with all the residents of Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Estonia, and they got responses from 15,556 people. Participants were asked about their childhood, such as whether they had a dog or any other pets, whether they were ever hospitalized for respiratory infections before the age of two, and whether they suffered from recurrent ear infections. They were also asked about the size of their family, their parents' educational background, and the ages of their mothers.
Lead author and physician at University Hospital in Umea, Sweden, Karl Franklin, M.D., Ph..D, has said that his research findings include identifying early life environments as affecting whether or not you are a snorer later in life. Other experts that have done similar studies with these findings say that more research will be needed, and Franklin even acknowledges that the research is no reason to steer clear of the idea of childhood pets. The researchers found that four independently associated with snoring later in life.
- If they were hospitalized for a respiratory infection before the age of 2, their risk of later snoring was boosted by 1.27 times.
- If they suffered from reccurent ear infections as a child their risk was raised by 1.18 times.
- If they grew up in a family with more than five members it increased their risk by 1.04 times.
- If they exposure to a dog in the houshold as a newborn their risk was boosted by 1.26 times.
Franklin decided to take a look at early childhood exposures and later risk of snoring, following a trend in medical research of looking at how many adult associated diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular, can be traced to childhood exposures and experiences. He stated that exactly why the exposures he found associated with snoring ups the risk is not yet known. "Perhaps these things like dogs, infection, might increase the size of the tonsils," and that could in turn boost the risk of snoring later in life.
A sleep medicine expert and a the medical director of Northshore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Illinois, said that the findings of the study need significant follow-up research. "This doesn't say much to me," she stated about the findings. Early infections are the most feasible of all of the risk factors associated with boosting the risk of snoring. "It's not clear how the dog and the large family is associated with snoring." The two risk factors that are well known for snoring, she says, are the structure of the throat of each individual and obesity.
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Take time to lose weight
The Surgeon General reports that about one-third or over 68 million Americans age 20 and older are overweight, while another 64 million are classed as obese.
Current data, showing that over one-third of American women are now considered obese, has given cause for a new study led by John Jakicic, chairman of the Department of Health and Physical Activity at the University of Pittsburgh. It appears that the American Heart Association's current guidelines of at least 30 minutes of moderately intense activity five days a week (150 minutes per week) falls short-by almost half-of what the new study recommends. After following 200 women considered being overweight or obese for a two-year period, Jakicic's team found that in order to take of weight and keep it off that the study group needed to exercise about 275 minutes a week, which translates to 55 minutes, five times a week or 40 minutes a day.
For the study, the women were divided into four groups, each with a different calorie intake restriction between 1,200 and 1,500 per day, and each group was assigned moderate to vigorous physical activity with varying levels of duration requiring a calorie burn of 1,000 to 2,000 per week. After six months, all of the women had lost weight; averaging between 8 and 10 percent of their starting weight-but only 47 women were able to sustain that weight loss at the two-year mark. These women exercised the most, burnt the most calories, and reported eating less food in general and decreasing dietary fat. The lead author of the study, John Jakicic, stated that people need to exercise more to keep losing weight, especially if they are already obese or overweight.
It is hard for many people to find time for this kind of exercise with today's hectic life style, but there are ways to add more activity to your day that doesn't require much extra time. Try walking or biking to work, take the stairs, do leg lifts while sitting at your desk, wear wrist or leg weights during exercise or all day, be creative and make-up some of your own. Anything that keeps you moving helps to burn calories, and that is what it takes to get the weight off and keep it off.
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Monday, August 25, 2008
Preflight Checklist
I don't know how many times I've seen a crash that could have been prevented with a quick pre flight look over and using a preflight checklist is a great way to make sure nothing's left out.
rc helicopter are complicated pieces of machinery and parts wear out, pieces break on hard landings, batteries go bad, glue dries out and so on - and if nothing's done about it, it will inevitably lead to a crash… or worse.
You've heard of Murphy's Law, "If anything can go wrong it will." and with rc helicopters, nothing holds truer.
A pre flight check can not only help prevent a crash, but it can also prevent bodily injury or even death in rare cases to the pilot or spectators. There's a reason full size heli pilots have one and are required by law to use it.
While the following preflight checklist is specific to rc helicopters, it can be easily adapted for radio controlled airplanes as well.
1. Check all mission critical nuts and bolts to make sure they're on tight. Excessive vibration can cause them to back off or come loose, even if you've used thread lock.
2. Check the ball links for looseness or slop. They'll wear out over time and if they're not on tight, they can pop off during flight and cause a crash.
3. Inspect the wiring. Visually check the wiring for damage and ensure that there are no breaks or cuts and that the servo plugs are securely plugged into the receiver. If you have any servo wire extensions, make sure the connections are solid.
4. Test your radio / functions. If it's your first flight of the day do a range check and make sure there's no interference nearby and that the throttle / throttle hold functions are working properly. It would also be a good idea to quickly check your trims to be sure you haven't bumped one out of position.
5. Check that everything's working properly and moving as it should. Check the throw direction for all pushrods and servos and make sure the swashplate is moving as it should. It's very easy forget to change a radio setting back to normal when bench testing.
RC Helicopter Flying Tips
1. If something looks to be wrong with your rc helicopter, land right away to find out what it is. It's not going to go away on its own.
2. Fly the nose, not the tail unless you want to become totally disoriented.
3. If your RC heli gets the shakes, land and check to see if your blades are balanced and track properly. Other causes can be blade pitch, weight imbalance, RPM and so on.
4. When flying non-electric rc helicopters, always make sure you can see smoke coming out of the heli. If there's no smoke, it's likely that you're engine is running too lean. Too lean means too much heat which can destroy the engine.
5. Be sure that no loose wiring rubs against the frame. You can use a nylon braid to protect it.
6. Don't let metal or carbon fiber parts rub against each other. It can cause RF interference which can lead to a crash.
7. Monitor your battery's voltage with a battery monitor or by timing known flight times.
8. Experiment all you like - in a simulator where crashing doesn't cost a significant amount of time ort money.
9. When you're done flying your nitro or gasser for the day, tilt the heli backwards after flying to drain the sticky stuff out of the muffler. This will protect your car from nasty drippages.
Fly your RC Helicopter tips
Before You Fly your RC Helicopter
1. Always check / tighten all important screws before you fly rc helicopters.
2. Make sure you have the correct flight mode selected before you fly. If you use a simulator or have different 'birds' this is especially important.
3. If your radio has lots of switches, set it so that when you start all your switches are pointing the same direction.
4. Check your radio's range.
5. Make a checklist and stick to it.
6. Always ensure that your linkages are secure. Sometimes, when making adjustments, one end will unscrew more than the other and is just hanging on by a thread. If it slips off during flight, it could be a very expensive and dangerous lesson. Check them quickly before you spool up.
7. Make sure your receiver and transmitter batteries are fully charged. A dead battery can really wreck havoc in the air.
8. Whenever you start your rc helicopter, whether it's a nitro, gasser or electric, always hold the blade grips tightly. If your throttles not all the way down, or there's a glitch, your heli can spin out of control and cause serious damage.
advantage of mini rc helicopters
The big advantage of mini rc helicopters is that they can be flown indoors, even around people without having to worry too much about causing injury to others, your walls or furniture.
Unless it's perfectly calm, they can't be flown outside. At 10 or so grams, even the smallest breeze or gust of wind will cause you to loose control.
They're also extremely cheap. When compared to a traditional rc helicopter that will run you up to $1,000 or more, their small size, mass produced circuitry and foam bodies allow them to be sold for a very affordable price.For under $50, often under $30, they're a lot of fun to play with and could be used as the first logical step in the world of rc helicopters.
They're great fun for everyone and once you get the knack of it you won't be able to stop zooming it around your home or office.
How Do mini rc helicopter Work
These micro models are usually controlled by a 2 channel proportional infrared control system that controls the up/down and left/right movement. Some mini rc helicopter take into account the main rotor speed and adjust the tail rotor to compensate as you ascend or decent while with others you'll need to manually adjust the trim.
The whole system is powered by a small lithium polymer battery that is usually charged off the infrared transmitter in just a few minutes - this also eliminated more costly AC/DC wall plugs.
The tail rotor is powered by an even smaller brushed motor that's attached to the fixed pitch tail rotor.
There are no gyro's in mini rc helicopters like in conventional rc helicopters. Instead they have a trim switch which controls the speed of the tail rotor. Once you find the balance to counteract the rotational force of the main rotors, the tail will pretty much remain steady.
Most mini rc helicopters take about 10 - 20 minutes to charge and can buzz around for about 5-7 minutes depending on the model.
The gyroscopic action has a tendency to maintain it's axis of rotation relative to the ground and when no cyclic input is provided, it will keep the rc helicopter level. The secret behind their stability in the air is the weighted flybar. The flybar is attached to the main rotors and functions similarly to a gyroscope.
talk about mini rc helicopters
The blade pitch is fixed and you move up and down or left and right by speeding up or slowing down the main and tail rotors. Most mini rc helicopters take about 10 - 20 minutes to charge and can buzz around for about 5-7 minutes depending on the model.
Unlike a traditional R/C helicopter, micro or min rc helicopters are setup to always move forward. You control the hover height and right or left turns. By adding tiny weights to the nose of the copter before takeoff you can adjust how quickly the copter moves forward.
They're powered by a small brushed motor / pinion combination which turns a main gear that's attached to the main rotors. The secret behind their stability in the air is the weighted flybar. The flybar is attached to the main rotors and functions similarly to a gyroscope.
The gyroscopic action has a tendency to maintain it's axis of rotation relative to the ground and when no cyclic input is provided, it will keep the rc helicopter level.
There are no gyro's in mini rc helicopters like in conventional rc helicopters. Instead they have a trim switch which controls the speed of the tail rotor. Once you find the balance to counteract the rotational force of the main rotors, the tail will pretty much remain steady.
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Painting your rc helicopter
Painting your rc helicopter
Step 1
Apply the first coat of paint. The kind of paint you use isn't that important as we'll be covering it with a fuel proof clear coat when all's said and done. Start with the lightest color first or go with a good coat of white to give the other colors a good base.
Step 2
Mask off any areas that need masking. You can't beat 3M automotive making tape - it sticks well and produces razor sharp lines with no bleed.
I've found 1/8th inch tape works best for masking curves and then a larger width tape for filling in bigger areas.
Paint in the masked areas and repeat as necessary for all your colors. Ideally, you want to apply each subsequent layer of paint to a partially wet and sticky previous layer so they adhere well.
Step 3
After you've got all your paint layers on and they're dry, you can apply any decals or trim tape. Start at one side and work to the other smoothing out any air bubbles as you go. Using your fingernail, make sure it's rubbed down and adhered firmly.
Some people will lightly scuff the canopy with a thin (#0000) steel wool to give stickers, decals or trim tape a better surface to adhere to. I didn't and the trim tape and vinyl decals I used stuck well, though stickers would probably stick better if you roughed up the surface a little.
I bought the decals off eBay from an automotive supplier and the trim tape could be found at almost any local hobby store.
Step 4
Using an automotive or hobby clear coat, spray on a thin layer of lacquer and let it partially dry so it's still a little sticky to give the next coat a good surface to adhere to.
You may want to add another coat or two of clear coat or add a glossy coat at this point. I used Testors Lacquer Spray Wet Look Clear Coat which turned out quite nicely.
Preparation to wash your rc helicopter
Preparation to wash your rc helicopter:
Step 1
First things first, whether you're painting a plastic or fiberglass canopy, you need sand the entire canopy using 400 grit wet / dry sandpaper to remove any gloss or gel coating. Paint won't stick properly to glossy spots, so be sure you get them all.
You can sand canopies dry, but by sanding them under running water will wash off all the dust from sanding and prevent it from getting in any pin holes or cracks and messing up your paint job.
Step 2
Wash the canopy using a good degreasing dishwashing detergent to remove all traces of oils and grease from handling and the manufacturing process.
For plastic or lexan canopies, you can use mineral oil to clean the surface, then wash that off with dishwashing detergent.
After washing is completed, you shouldn't handle the canopy where you'll be applying paint as the oils from your hands will get on it and can possible mess up your paint job.
Step 3 - Fiberglass Canopies
If there are any seams or holes in the canopy, use automotive spot putty to fill them. When dry, sand them smooth and repeat steps 1 and 2. Small pinholes will be filled when applying primer.
painted a canopy
I also just wanted to mention that this is the first time I've ever painted a canopy using an airbrush, so the results aren't perfect, but I'm happy with how it turned out.
So you want to paint your rc helicopter canopy instead of paying a professional For the cost of a professionally painted canopy, you can buy a basic airbrush system and the supplies to paint your own and still come out ahead.Most of the same steps can be used for painting fiberglass canopies - I'll mention any differences as we go.
Along the way, I've developed a new found respect for airbrush artists… rc helicopter canopy painting can be decisively simple or a complex art depending on the angle of attack you choose.
Even though I'm using an airbrush and compressor, this can all be done with spray can paint though it's harder to get as nice of finish.
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Cyclic Control
As the pitch angle changes, the lift generated by each blade changes and this unbalanced lift causes the helicopter to tip towards whichever side is experiencing the least amount of lift.The cyclic control works by tilting the swash plate up or down and increasing the pitch angle of a rotor blade individually as they revolve, so the angle of attack on one side of the rc helicopter is greater than it is on the other.
This allows the helicopter to move in any direction around a 360-degree circle, including forwards, backwards, left and right or any combination of the 4.
For example, when the cyclic control is pushed forwards on your radio transmitter, the swash plate tilts forwards increasing the angle of attack (and lift) in the rear of your helicopter which causes it to move forwards. Your radio transmitter handles all the mixes and translations between cyclic and collective movement, so all you need to think about is which way you want your helicopter to fly, not angles of attack or swash plate tilting.Because of the cyclic and collective pitch control of the main rotor blades and the pitch control of the tail rotor, your engine RPM and therefore the speed of the main rotor blades, can be kept at a constant rate increasing maneuverability response time.
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Collective Control
The collective control raises the entire swash plate assembly as a unit. As the swash plate rises or falls, it changes the pitch (angle of attack) of all rotor blades simultaneously and to the same degree. This is known as collective control.
Therefore, when the collective control is increased, it will raise the entire swash plate assembly increasing the angle of attack. Increasing the angle of attack increases the lift of the main rotor, causing the heli to gain altitude, while decreasing the angle of attack decreases the lift.
Since all blades are changing pitch together, the change in lift remains constant throughout every full turn of the blades.
The Swash Plate Assembly
The swash plate assembly fits on to the main rotor shaft beneath the head of the heli and consists of one rotating and one non-rotating disc.
The swash place on an RC helicopter is used to translate the pilots commands into the motion of the main rotor blades. The lower, non-rotating disc is linked directly to the cyclic and collective controls which are controlled by servos under the command of the pilot's transmitter inputs.
This non-rotating disc is attached by a bearing to the second rotating disc, which turns with rotor and is linked to the main rotor blade pitch horns.The swash plate can be made to tilt in any direction according to the cyclic controls, or move up and down to change the pitch of the rotors under the collective control, which allows the pilot to control the RC helicopter in a 3-dimensional space.
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rotor of an rc helicopter
A conventional RC helicopter has its main rotor above the fuselage (its body) which consists of 2 or more rotor blades extending out from a central rotor head, or hub assembly.
The main rotor of an RC helicopter is what produces the lifting forc that allows the RC helicopter to fly. The rotors on a collective pitch RC helicopter are shaped just like the airfoils of an airplane wing, only they are thinner, narrower and both sides are symmetrical.
Depending on how the RC helicopter is set up, the main rotors typically spin at a constant headspeed ranging anywhere from 1,500 RPM to 3,000RPM. Larger size .60 or .90 RC helicopters will usually have a headspeed of 1,500RPM to 2,000RPM where smaller .30 or .50 size helis might have a headspeed in the 2,000RPM to 3,000RPM range
As the rotor blades rotate through the air, they generate lift. The amount of lift generated is determined by the pitch angle (and speed) of each rotor blade as it moves through the air. Pitch angle is referred to as the angle of attack when the rotors are in motion.
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T-Rex 450
In terms of flight, the T-Rex is very snappy, agile and responsive as you'd expect from a setup of this size. The 500L brushless motor aslo has enough powere to satisfy almost any pilot.
It's a lot more stable than the in a hover and actually flies similarily to the T-Rex 600.
Even though it's bigger than the 450 T-Rex with a flying weight that's more than twice as much, it's still only half that of the T-Rex 600, making it quite susceptible to winds over 10mph. My recommendation, unless you're a experienced RC helicopter pilot confident in your abilities, I'd keep it inside on windy days.rc helicopte s r are one of the most versatile modes of transportation in existence and give the pilot complete access to a fully 3-dimensional space. Because of this, rc helicopter s , whether rc or full size, are one of the most difficult vehicles to learn to control.
For example:
A train can travel in 2 directions: forwards and backwards.A car can travel in 4 directions: forwards, backwards, left and right.An airplane can travel in 5 directions: forwards, left, right, up and down.
Whereas a helicopter can travel in 6 directions: forwards, backwards, left, right, up and down. Plus it can also rotate 360 degrees in either direction and do all of that while inverted.
Electric power system
One of the most popular RC heli manufactures in the world is the Align .The features:
Electric power system.
Simple and light weight design provides awesome flight performance and extreme <a href="http://www.3d.com">3D</a> capability.
Rigid fiberglass frame design.
Beautiful factory painted fiberglass canopy.
Rotor head/tail with thrust bearings.
Direct-to-swash CCPM linkage.
Center of gravity of Battery tray designed close to the rotor head.
Tail rotor drive belt system.
Fully driven tail auto rotation system.
Tail servo boom mount.
Length: 850mm
Height: 310mm
Main Blade Length: 425mm
Main Rotor Diameter: 970mm
Tail Rotor Diameter: 200mm
Motor Drive Gear: 12T/13T
Main Drive Gear: 162T
Autorotation Tail Drive Gear: 145T
Tail Drive Gear: 31T
Drive Gear Ratio: 1:13.5:4.68 / 1:12.46:4.68
Weight(w/o power system): 955g
Flying Weight: Approx 1700g
Sunday, August 24, 2008
RC helicopter Pilot
It’s a lot more stable than the T-Rex 450 in a hover and actually flies similarily to the T-Rex 600.
Even though it’s bigger than the 450 T-Rex with a flying weight that’s more than twice as much, it’s still only half that of the T-Rex 600, making it quite susceptible to winds over 10mph. My recommendation, unless you’re a experienced RC helicopter pilot confident in your abilities, I’d keep it inside on windy days.rc helicopte s r are one of the most versatile modes of transportation in existence and give the pilot complete access to a fully 3-dimensional space. Because of this, rc helicopter s , whether rc or full size, are one of the most difficult vehicles to learn to control.
For example:
A train can travel in 2 directions: forwards and backwards.A car can travel in 4 directions: forwards, backwards, left and right.An airplane can travel in 5 directions: forwards, left, right, up and down.
Whereas a helicopter can travel in 6 directions: forwards, backwards, left, right, up and down. Plus it can also rotate 360 degrees in either direction and do all of that while inverted.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Flying RC Heli For Fun
The advantage of flying electric RC helicopterdoes not end with these five points. RC Helicopters capture people's interest since their very first inception. To make matters worse, flying one required countless hours of practice and tremendous amount of patience. However, all that is about to change. With the introduction of electric RC helicopters, flying these amazing models are not as far-fetched as they used to be. Here are five reasons why:
1.Small Size and Low Cost:
Before electric helicopters, indoor flights and flights in your own backyard were next to impossible. Now, they are quick and easy. Newer versions are so small that even flying in the bedroom is possible. The smaller size of these helicopter means that it is easier to transport as well. However, for pilots who prefer big aircrafts, there are electric helicopters as big as.50 size gas models available.
Flying RC Helicopter used to set people back thousands of dollars. People had to buy the helicopter kit, servos, engine, starter, gyro, receiver, radio controller, a hundred other equipments, and of course - fuel. When everything has been purchased, you still have to assemble it!
2. Easy to Maintain:
Maintenance used to be one of the biggest hurdles for anyone wanting to start flying RC helicopters. Thankfully, electric RC helicopters tremendously decreased the amount of repairs required. These little wonders were specifically designed to keep the amount of fixing necessary to minimum. Therefore, repairs can usually be made with just the bare hands or with only one screw driver. Even more impressive is the fact that these types of helicopter rarely need repairing at all. They can survive most types of crashes without any problem.
3. Reliable and Easy to Fly:
With gas helicopters, countless crashes occur not because of pilot errors, but because the engine fail in midair. Who's to blame? After all, everybody knows that gas engines aren't the most reliable thing in the world. They also notoriously require constant tinkering to run smoothly. you can forget about having to crank up the engine over and over. These electric motors will run anytime anywhere as long as there's battery. There's nothing more frustrating than taking your helicopter to the field only to find that it won't start because it is too cold, too humid, or just because the engine wants to act up.